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Tables of Defects

Modern technology of magnetic disks production does not allow their defect-free manufacture. Heterogeneity of media material, polishing defects, admixtures during magnetic layer application, etc. result in appearance of areas, where data recording or reading end in errors.


Earlier drives with ST506/412 interface displayed the table of defective tracks as a label on HDA case and any drive had some reserved space, e.g. HDD ST225 (20 Mb) had actual capacity of 21,5 Mb, i.e. 1,5 Mb extra were allocated for defective sectors and tracks. Modern HDDs also have extra capacity, but it is hidden from users and only drive microcontroller can access it. A portion of that extra space is allocated to HDD firmware, configuration tables, S.M.A.R.T. counters, factory information about a HDD, tables of defects, etc. The remaining part is held in reserve for substitution of defective sectors with the reserved ones.
Tables of defects are filled by the manufacturer during internal factory testing. Numbers of all discovered BAD sectors are added into a table. Such procedure is called updating (relocation) of defects (UPDATE DEFECT). After that if a defective sector is addressed during work with a HDD, the drive itself will redirect the request to a reserved sector. Therefore all modern drives newly arriving from the manufacturing factories have no defective sectors.


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