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Two mechanism of defect relocation

When the substitution (Assign) mechanism is used in a drive the latter records to the ID field of a BAD sector the flag of the relocated sector and writes to the data field the number of the reserved sector, i.e. the one, which should be accessed for data recording or reading. As a rule, it is the first available sector after user data area.

During data read/write operations accessing the defective sector drive controller will read the flag and assigned address and reposition the heads to the reserved zone in order to perform reading/writing from/to a good sector. Defective sectors in that case will disappear, but the drive will perform positioning to the reserved area each time it has to address a defective sector. The procedure is accompanied with clicking sounds and slight slow-down. The “Assign” procedure allows relocation only for defects in data fields. Errors pertaining to corruption of ID fields or servo fields cannot be relocated using the “Assign” method.
Another mechanism used for hiding defective sectors at manufacturing factories is skipping of defective sectors. When that method is used, the defective sector is skipped, its number is assigned to the following sector (and so on), and the last sector is shifted to the reserved zone.



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